COVID-19 Update 4/2/2020

As many of you know COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, has impacted every single country in the world. All international flights have been cancelled and there are recommendations to not travel domestically as well. 

The United States now has the most reported cases of coronavirus in the world. This increase in numbers is putting a major strain on the U.S. healthcare system as a whole. Hospitals and clinics now have to figure out how to treat the COVID-19 population on top of the patients they regularly see. Another barrier they face is trying to keep those who have tested positive from infecting others and limited PPE. As of April 1st, the United States had around 189,753 cases with 4,090 deaths. Out of those cases, Florida has 6,741 confirmed cases with 85 deaths. Worldwide, there are approximately 883,225 confirmed cases with 44,156 deaths.   

Although there has not been any requirement of a mandatory nationwide quarantine, it is recommended to self quarantine for two weeks if you have traveled anywhere within the past two weeks or have come into contact with someone who has traveled. It is also recommended to practice social distancing, meaning not attending any gatherings that have 10 or more people and staying 6 feet away from others. This also means limiting where you go, which should only be to work, if you have an essential job, or the grocery store. Places such as Publix and other food services offer the option of delivering straight to your house to limit social interaction. If you do not prefer the delivery method, grocery stores have made sure to only let a certain number of customers in at a time and have them 4-6 feet apart while waiting in line. 

Here are some reminders for everyone that will help prevent the spread of Coronavirus:

  1. Wash your hands frequently and for at least 20 seconds
  2. Sneeze and cough into your elbow or upper arm
  3. Avoid contact with people who are exhibiting symptoms
  4. If you exhibit symptoms, call your doctor and follow the instructions from your local health department
  5. Do not buy masks: They are not effective for the general population and they are needed by health care professionals
  6. Eat healthy and sleep well! Good diet and sleeping habits are integral to a healthy immune system

Here are some supplements you can consider that will fortify your immune system:

  1. NFIM immune medpax: D3 2000/ Immunoglobulin/ zinc 20 mg/ email or call 352-332-6680 for curbside pick up in Gainesville FL
  2. OliveDefense® by Xymogen (see for people who are vegan or have severe egg allergies
  3. Zinc 20 to 40 mg
  4. High dose Vitamin C (4000 mg/day)
  5. Transfer Factors by Researched Nutritionals
  6. Immuno PRP by NuMedica
  7. Immunotix 3-6 by Xymogen

If you are interested in a telemedicine consultation from either Dr. Akey or Dr. Kathleen ( to go over even more advanced therapy options, check out that option on our shop page. As always, please make sure you and your loved ones take the necessary steps to keep your immune systems strong and healthy!

Reputable Sources on Coronavirus – Stay up to Date:

  1. Center for Disease Control:
  2. World Health Organization:
  1. Johns Hopkins site for numbers:

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